22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 1 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) Table Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Individual jobs requested of the background processor JobCtrl Control records for the various processes JobPrg Map service name to procedure file that performs procedure 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 2 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) ========================================================================= ============================= Table: Job ================================ Table Flags: "f" = frozen, "s" = a SQL table Table Dump Table Field Index Table Name Name Flags Count Count Label ----------------------------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- Job job 15 5 Job Description: Individual jobs requested of the background processor Storage Area: Schema Area ============================= FIELD SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: Job ================================ Flags: ase sensitive, ndex component, andatory, iew component Order Field Name Data Type Flags Format Initial ----- ------------------------- ----------- ----- --------------- ---------- 10 JobID char i x(8) 20 State char i x(8) 30 Name char x(8) 40 Priority inte i ->,>>>,>>9 0 50 ErrCode char x(8) 60 PrgDataIn char x(8) 70 PrgDataOut char x(8) 80 PrcHostName char x(8) 90 PrcHostPID char x(8) 100 SubmitTime inte i ->,>>>,>>9 0 110 SubmitDate date i 99/99/99 ? 120 PrcStartTime inte i ->,>>>,>>9 0 130 PrcStartDate date i 99/99/99 ? 140 PrcStopTime inte i ->,>>>,>>9 0 150 PrcStopDate date i 99/99/99 ? Field Name Label Column Label ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- JobID JobID JobID State State State Name Name Name Priority Priority Priority ErrCode ErrCode ErrCode PrgDataIn PrgDataIn PrgDataIn PrgDataOut PrgDataOut PrgDataOut PrcHostName PrcHostName PrcHostName PrcHostPID PrcHostPID PrcHostPID SubmitTime SubmitTime Submit SubmitDate SubmitDate SubmitDate PrcStartTime PrcStartTime PrcStartTime PrcStartDate PrcStartDate PrcStartDate PrcStopTime PrcStopTime PrcStopTime PrcStopDate PrcStopDate PrcStopDate ============================= INDEX SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: Job ================================ 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 3 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) Flags:

rimary, nique, ord, bbreviated, nactive, + asc, - desc Flags Index Name Cnt Field Name ----- -------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- key1 2 + Priority + State key2 2 + SubmitDate + SubmitTime key3 2 + PrcStartDate + PrcStartTime key4 2 + PrcStopDate + PrcStopTime pu pukey 1 + JobID ** Index Name: key1 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: key2 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: key3 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: key4 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: pukey Storage Area: Schema Area ============================= FIELD DETAILS ============================= ============================= Table: Job ================================ ** Field Name: JobID Description: Unique record identifier ** Field Name: State Description: State job is in ** Field Name: Name Description: Name of service to run ** Field Name: Priority Description: The higher the priority the sooner the job is done ** Field Name: ErrCode Description: ErrCode from the processor ** Field Name: PrgDataIn Description: Data to send into the service ** Field Name: PrgDataOut Description: Data from the service ** Field Name: PrcHostName Description: Which host was the background processor handled the request ** Field Name: PrcHostPID Description: PID of processor that handled request ** Field Name: SubmitTime 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 4 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) Description: Time job was submitted ** Field Name: SubmitDate Description: Date job was submitted ** Field Name: PrcStartTime Description: Time background processor started working on request ** Field Name: PrcStartDate Description: Date background processor started working the job ** Field Name: PrcStopTime Description: Time background processor finished with the job ** Field Name: PrcStopDate Description: Date background processor finished with the job 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 5 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) ========================================================================= ============================= Table: JobCtrl ============================ Table Flags: "f" = frozen, "s" = a SQL table Table Dump Table Field Index Table Name Name Flags Count Count Label ----------------------------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- JobCtrl jobctrl 6 3 JobCtrl Description: Control records for the various processes Storage Area: Schema Area ============================= FIELD SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: JobCtrl ============================ Flags: ase sensitive, ndex component, andatory, iew component Order Field Name Data Type Flags Format Initial ----- ------------------------- ----------- ----- --------------- ---------- 10 JobCtrlID char i x(8) 20 JobID char x(8) 30 PrcHostName char i x(8) 90 PrcHostPID char i x(8) 100 Operation char i x(8) 110 ActionAlert char x(8) Field Name Label Column Label ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- JobCtrlID JobCtrlID JobCtrlID JobID JobID JobID PrcHostName PrcHostName PrcHostName PrcHostPID PrcHostPID PrcHostPID Operation Operation Operation ActionAlert ActionAlert ActionAlert ============================= INDEX SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: JobCtrl ============================ Flags:

rimary, nique, ord, bbreviated, nactive, + asc, - desc Flags Index Name Cnt Field Name ----- -------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- key1 2 + PrcHostName + PrcHostPID key2 1 + Operation pu pukey 1 + JobCtrlID ** Index Name: key1 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: key2 Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: pukey Storage Area: Schema Area 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 6 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) ============================= FIELD DETAILS ============================= ============================= Table: JobCtrl ============================ ** Field Name: JobCtrlID Description: Unique record identifier ** Field Name: JobID Description: Job processor is working on ** Field Name: PrcHostName Description: Host processor is running on ** Field Name: PrcHostPID Description: PID of processor ** Field Name: Operation Description: What is processor currently doing ** Field Name: ActionAlert Description: Send a message to this processor 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 7 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) ========================================================================= ============================= Table: JobPrg ============================= Table Flags: "f" = frozen, "s" = a SQL table Table Dump Table Field Index Table Name Name Flags Count Count Label ----------------------------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ------------------- JobPrg jobprg 3 2 JobPrg Description: Map service name to procedure file that performs procedure Storage Area: Schema Area ============================= FIELD SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: JobPrg ============================= Flags: ase sensitive, ndex component, andatory, iew component Order Field Name Data Type Flags Format Initial ----- ------------------------- ----------- ----- --------------- ---------- 10 JobPrgID char i x(8) 20 PrgName char x(8) 30 Name char i x(8) Field Name Label Column Label ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- JobPrgID JobPrgID JobPrgID PrgName PrgName Prgname Name Name Name ============================= INDEX SUMMARY ============================= ============================= Table: JobPrg ============================= Flags:

rimary, nique, ord, bbreviated, nactive, + asc, - desc Flags Index Name Cnt Field Name ----- -------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- pu pukey 1 + JobPrgID u ukey1 1 + Name ** Index Name: pukey Storage Area: Schema Area ** Index Name: ukey1 Storage Area: Schema Area ============================= FIELD DETAILS ============================= ============================= Table: JobPrg ============================= ** Field Name: JobPrgID Description: Unique record identifier ** Field Name: PrgName Description: Program for RUN VALUE() ** Field Name: Name 22/04/05 19:48:17 PROGRESS Report Page 8 Database: zeno (PROGRESS) Description: Name of service PrgName provides ============================= SEQUENCES =================================